Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Hyper Japan 2011

On Sunday I had a great day out at the Hyper Japan Show at Olympia 2 in London. It was a fabulous event full of shopping, eating and shows (3 of my favourite things).
The food stalls were really busy, and they needed a lot more space. As expected there was Sushi on offer from Yutaka, Sushi Plus and So Restaurant, but also lots of other great foods like Ramen Bento, Minamoto Kitchoan and Manpukutei. As a dutiful show goer I had to try them to report to you that everything was yummy but my favourites were the fried chicken skewers, the green tea brownie and the prawn bento.
The bazaar had lots of stalls selling cutesy Kawaii style goodies and lolita dresses , but there were also stalls with Japanese films, Manga, T-shirts (bought 2) and if you fancied your portrait in Manga style then there were 4 artists scribbling away feverishly to get through a massive queue of people.
The 2 shows I watched were the Cosplay and Kawaii costume contests. The attention to detail and effort people had put into their costumes was amazing and the Final Fantasy weapons were brilliant.
Will definately be going next year.

Felicity's handmade hair accessories

Samples of the award winning sushi.
                                                                   Mmmmmmm macarons           

Fabulous Final Fantasy cosplay

                                                          Final Fantasy Cosplay group

                                                               Have a go at making sushi

                                                          Kawaii contestant.

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