Saturday, 25 June 2011

Read the T&C's (and get your mum to listen)

I have learnt to always read the T&C's on competitions for important things like holidays. Sometimes the prize doesn't include flights and I'd hate to win a great holiday and then realise I can't take it because I can't afford the flights.
There is a great photo comp at the moment with Pink Lady apples. It's a photo comp and clearly states the photo must be landscape NOT portrait.
So anyway, what does this have to do with my mum? Well we went to Brighton last week, the weather was sunny, got out my Pink Lady and gave the camera to mum. I specifically told her to take the photos landscape. Did she listen? NO. Did I notice at the time? NO. I was too busy posing. Got some great shots but all of them portrait, so I can't use them.
I love this photo the best.

Friday, 17 June 2011

Bill's in Lewes and Brighton

I've just had a much needed break and spent 5 days in Brighton with my mum. While there we went to Bill's Cafe. I've heard a lot about Bill's and really wanted to go there. I nearly went to the one in covent Garden but when I poked my head through the door it was jam-packed full so I went elsewhere, I don't like to wait for an afternoon coffee when there are lots of other places to choose from.
Anyway we went into the Lewes branch for an afternoon coffee and cake, but decided on the Afternoon Tea. Oh what a fab decision it was definately the best scone I have ever had - not dry, slighly warm, a bit crumbly and with really thick clotted cream and tasty jam.
At Bill's in Brighton we had dinner. I had the grilled halloumi and roasted pepper  in a brioche bun. I would never think to have savoury things in a brioche bun, but it was delicious. Mum had a paella, which was tasty but a bit too spicy for me.

On another day we went to Bill's for lunch and had a fab Egg Florentine. Two large slices of lightly toasted bread with spinach and perfectly poached eggs with a very tasty hollandaise sauce and sprinkled with pumpkin seeds. Very tasty and plenty for lunch. The best drink we had was a hot elderflower cordial with fruit. I like cold elderflower and it was even nicer hot, something I will definately be making at home.

My favourite dessert was the Lamington. A moist square of lamington covered in chunky coconut with vanilla ice-cream and surrounded with a tert fruit compote, in one word - delicious.

So even though we ate at some lovely cafes in Lewes, Hove and Brighton we both liked Bill's the best and would thoroughly recommend it to everyone.

Friday, 10 June 2011

Pilgrims Choice Cheese

Well, I didn't win it, but I did get one of 5 runner's up cheesy hamper prizes. Pilgrims have posted the photos of all the entries which was great to see. There were some really good ones and some real turkeys. In my humble opinion the winner wasn't the best entry but you have to accept the judges decision and judged competitions are always better than voted ones. I guess we all have different opinions on what's best but I honestly think the winner wasn't the best.

Friday, 3 June 2011

Prize from Groupon

I entered a rather strange competition on the Groupon blog to win dinner at a posh restaurant with an employee named Sam. I didn't win but they loved my entry so gave me £25 credit to spend on Groupon which is great because it's something I will definately use. I have had some really great deals from them and discovered some great restaurants that I have since been back to (and paid full price).

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Pilgrims Choice competition

I have been inspired by other clever compers to enter more creative comps so.......Here's my entry into the Pilgrims Choice cheesy accessory competition. It took me about 3 hours to make.

Hello and welcome.

Hello and welcome to everybody who floats by this way and reads my little blog.

I have decided to start my own blog to keep track of the loves of my life. So this blog will be mainly about my comping and hopefully about my fabulous wins. But also I love food, a bit too much though, so I'll be posting about food and dieting too.